You are currently viewing Parikkala Sculpture Park – One of the Creepiest places in the world

Parikkala Sculpture Park – One of the Creepiest places in the world

Today I will introduce you to one of the creepiest places in Finland. 

Imagine, you have reached a deserted place and discovered that you are in one of the creepiest places in the World by chance . How would be your feeling?  We experienced such situation while returning from a  7 days road trip in eastern Finland. Our initial plan was to drive through Savonlinna while returning from Koli to Helsinki. A sudden change in plan took us through Highway 6. We did a quick check on Google and found a Sculpture Park on our way hence decided for a quick visit.

parikkala patsaspuisto sculpture park creepiest place

The sun has set. Dusk was falling. We found an empty parking near the park. Literally there was no light. We took our torch and headed towards the park. The park was completely empty. A creepy background music was the perfect match. It was surprisingly quiet place full of creepy statues. All sculptures in the park have strange teeth and glass marble eyes which reflects lights. It is said that the artist used human teeth in some of his sculptures. The darkness, spooky  music, creepy statues and the silence made the place really scary. If we had prior knowledge, probably we would think twice before going there in the late evening. 

parikkala sculpture park creepiest places in finland
parikkala patsaspuisto

Parikkala Sculpture Park (Parikkalan Patsaspuisto)

The name of this creepy place is Parikkalan Patsaspuisto (Parikkala Sculpture Park). It became an unique attraction with its 500 multi faceted concrete statues. Because of its weird nature, it is listed as one of the creepiest places in the world by the American press.

Interestingly, this park is the result of more than 50 years of artistic work on half a hectare site by world famous finnish ITE artist Veijo Rönkkönen (1944-2010). It is one of the most important artistic achievements of one person worldwide. The works of art and surrounding species-rich, lush garden form a unique world. Though Rönkkönen lived in the middle of the artistic world he created, he had no connection with outside world.  As an ITE artist he was a self taught artist without any formal art education.

parikkala patsaspuisto weird place in finland
creepiest places in finland parikkala sculpture park

After Rönkkönen’s death, the park was left untreated, and the condition of the statues began to deteriorate. As the park does not receive any funding, the maintenance of the park and statues depend on the voluntary entrance fees and redeeming title statue.

Though Parikkala Statue Park is a bit scary, it is really an impressive attraction!

sculpture from parikkala patsaspuisto

Where is Parikkala Sculpture Park:

The sculpture park is located in Paroitala’s Koitsanlahti, right next to Highway 6. Address is Kuutostie 611, 59130 Koitsanlahti. It is about 50 km north of Imatra, 8km from the center of Parikkala.

Parikkala Park Admission fee :

 As there is no public  funding it is recommended to support the park by donating an admission fee. When we visited, recommended fees were for adults € 5, for children 2 € and for family € 10. There is a donation box at the entrance or you can pay at Park boutique.

Another way of supporting the park by redeeming titles statue. The title statues are awarded for two years and fee is 150 € . The name desired by the Redeemer with a sign will be installed next to the statue. And the photo of the statue with the sign will be published to the park’s web page. You can choose any statue as the title statue, except  statues in the Yoga Garden.

Check here for more details

yoga garden in parikkala patsaspuisto
Yoga Garden
wreid sculpture from parikkala sculpture park
weird sculptures from parikkala sculpture park finland

What is your thought on the park? Do you want to visit? please let me know in comment box. Keep in touch!!

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the creepiest place in finland parikkala patsaspuisto
parikkala sculpture park creepiest place in finland

Moon Ray

A Traveller with Nomadic soul.

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